Year : 
Title : 
English Language
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

11 - 20 of 102 Questions

# Question Ans

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes the sentence below.


The brutal killing of members of the opposition provoked strong ......

A. condemnation

B. accusation

C. molestation

D. denial

Detailed Solution

condemnation; the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.
The brutal killing of members of the opposition provoked strong condemnation

The doctor ....... my illness as malaria

A. discovered

B. diagnosed

C. prescribed

D. announced

Detailed Solution

Diagnosed; identify the nature of (an illness or other problem) by examination of the symptoms.
The doctor diagnosed my illness as malaria

Since we should not disclose our identity, our letter to the principal must be .....

A. unclear

B. anonymous

C. ambigous

D. candid

Detailed Solution

Anonymous; (of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.
Since we should not disclose our identity, our letter to the principal must be anonymous

Although we pleaded for long with our father, he remained ....... that we should not go to the stadium.

A. callous

B. curious

C. adamant

D. candid

Detailed Solution

Adamant; refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.
Although we pleaded for long with our father, he remained adamant that we should not go to the stadium.

Since hard drugs are destroying our youths, our government has placed an ....... on them

A. injunction

B. infringement

C. order

D. embargo

Detailed Solution

Embargo; impose an official ban on (trade or a country or commodity).
Since hard drugs are destroying our youths, our government has placed an embargo on them

Oseli's ....... teacher teaches English, Physics, Economics and Technical Drawing.

A. efficient

B. jovial

C. kind

D. versatile

Detailed Solution

versatile; able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities
Oseli's versatile teacher teaches English, Physics, Economics and Technical Drawing.

Some political leaders love ....... who always praise their governments.

A. sycophants

B. parasites

C. allies

D. favourites

Detailed Solution

sycophants; a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage. Flatterers, praise-singers
Some political leaders love sycophants who always praise their governments.

The ....... of the new king will take place next week

A. re-election

B. demolition

C. coronation

D. re-admission

Detailed Solution

coronation; the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's consort, king
The coronation of the new king will take place next week

The match was a ..... for Brazil because their team was stronger than the opposing team.

A. profit

B. giveaway

C. walkover

D. defeat

Detailed Solution

Walkover; an easy victory.
The match was a walkover for Brazil because their team was stronger than the opposing team.

Kofi is too ....... ; he wants to know about everybody's business

A. inquisitive

B. friendly

C. concerned

D. busy

Detailed Solution

Inquisitive; to be unduly curious about the affairs of others; prying.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes the sentence below.


The brutal killing of members of the opposition provoked strong ......

A. condemnation

B. accusation

C. molestation

D. denial

Detailed Solution

condemnation; the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.
The brutal killing of members of the opposition provoked strong condemnation

The doctor ....... my illness as malaria

A. discovered

B. diagnosed

C. prescribed

D. announced

Detailed Solution

Diagnosed; identify the nature of (an illness or other problem) by examination of the symptoms.
The doctor diagnosed my illness as malaria

Since we should not disclose our identity, our letter to the principal must be .....

A. unclear

B. anonymous

C. ambigous

D. candid

Detailed Solution

Anonymous; (of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.
Since we should not disclose our identity, our letter to the principal must be anonymous

Although we pleaded for long with our father, he remained ....... that we should not go to the stadium.

A. callous

B. curious

C. adamant

D. candid

Detailed Solution

Adamant; refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.
Although we pleaded for long with our father, he remained adamant that we should not go to the stadium.

Since hard drugs are destroying our youths, our government has placed an ....... on them

A. injunction

B. infringement

C. order

D. embargo

Detailed Solution

Embargo; impose an official ban on (trade or a country or commodity).
Since hard drugs are destroying our youths, our government has placed an embargo on them

Oseli's ....... teacher teaches English, Physics, Economics and Technical Drawing.

A. efficient

B. jovial

C. kind

D. versatile

Detailed Solution

versatile; able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities
Oseli's versatile teacher teaches English, Physics, Economics and Technical Drawing.

Some political leaders love ....... who always praise their governments.

A. sycophants

B. parasites

C. allies

D. favourites

Detailed Solution

sycophants; a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage. Flatterers, praise-singers
Some political leaders love sycophants who always praise their governments.

The ....... of the new king will take place next week

A. re-election

B. demolition

C. coronation

D. re-admission

Detailed Solution

coronation; the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's consort, king
The coronation of the new king will take place next week

The match was a ..... for Brazil because their team was stronger than the opposing team.

A. profit

B. giveaway

C. walkover

D. defeat

Detailed Solution

Walkover; an easy victory.
The match was a walkover for Brazil because their team was stronger than the opposing team.

Kofi is too ....... ; he wants to know about everybody's business

A. inquisitive

B. friendly

C. concerned

D. busy

Detailed Solution

Inquisitive; to be unduly curious about the affairs of others; prying.