Year : 
Title : 
English Language
Exam : 
Code : 
SC 3022

Paper 1 | Objectives

Time : 
1 Hour 45 mins

121 - 130 of 140 Questions

# Question Ans

In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except on have the same stress Identify the one with the different stress pattern.


A. wardrobe

B. prefer

C. despite

D. review

Detailed Solution

Options B, C, D are all stressed on the second syllable. while option A is the only word stressed on the first syllable.

A. important

B. rehearsal

C. implement

D. condition

Detailed Solution

Options A, B, D are all stressed on the second syllable. while option C is the only word stressed on the first syllable.

In the following sentence, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.


Mr. Jones ALWAYS locks the back door. 

A. Does Mr

B. Does Mr

C. Does Mr

D. Does Mr

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is B because "Mr. Jones ALWAYS locks the back door" answers the question "Does Mr. Jones seldom lock the back door"

 ADE is my youngest brother

A. Is Ade my youngest cousin?

B. is Ade my oldest brother?

C. Is Abu my youngest brother?

D. Is Ade your youngest brother?

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is C because "ADE is my youngest brother" answers the question "Is Abu my youngest brother?"

There are FOUR baskets in the room.

A. Were are there four baskets in the room?

B. Are there two baskets in the room?

C. Are there four baskets in the room?

D. Are there four baskets in the store?

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is B because "There are FOUR baskets in the room" answers the question "Are there two baskets in the room?"

Some students arranged the SEATS. 

A. Did all the students arrange the seats?

B. Did some teacher arrange the seats?

C. Did some students arrange the books?

D. Did some students break the seats?

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is C because "Some students arranged the SEATS" answers the question "Did some students arrange the books?"

My father will GET home at 5 o'clock 

A. Will your father get home at 5 o'clock?

B. Will my father leave home at 5 o'clock?

C. Will my father get here at 5 o'clock

D. Will my mother get home at 5 o'clock?

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is B because "My father will GET home at 5 o'çlock" answers the question "Will my father leave home at 5 o'clock?'

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.



A. eve

B. busy

C. tip

D. shaded

Detailed Solution

eve: [ iːv ] 


A. copy

B. not

C. bore

D. rock

Detailed Solution

bore - [ bɔː(r) ]


A. Firm

B. hear

C. many

D. plate

Detailed Solution

firm - [ fɜːm ]

In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except on have the same stress Identify the one with the different stress pattern.


A. wardrobe

B. prefer

C. despite

D. review

Detailed Solution

Options B, C, D are all stressed on the second syllable. while option A is the only word stressed on the first syllable.

A. important

B. rehearsal

C. implement

D. condition

Detailed Solution

Options A, B, D are all stressed on the second syllable. while option C is the only word stressed on the first syllable.

In the following sentence, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.


Mr. Jones ALWAYS locks the back door. 

A. Does Mr

B. Does Mr

C. Does Mr

D. Does Mr

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is B because "Mr. Jones ALWAYS locks the back door" answers the question "Does Mr. Jones seldom lock the back door"

 ADE is my youngest brother

A. Is Ade my youngest cousin?

B. is Ade my oldest brother?

C. Is Abu my youngest brother?

D. Is Ade your youngest brother?

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is C because "ADE is my youngest brother" answers the question "Is Abu my youngest brother?"

There are FOUR baskets in the room.

A. Were are there four baskets in the room?

B. Are there two baskets in the room?

C. Are there four baskets in the room?

D. Are there four baskets in the store?

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is B because "There are FOUR baskets in the room" answers the question "Are there two baskets in the room?"

Some students arranged the SEATS. 

A. Did all the students arrange the seats?

B. Did some teacher arrange the seats?

C. Did some students arrange the books?

D. Did some students break the seats?

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is C because "Some students arranged the SEATS" answers the question "Did some students arrange the books?"

My father will GET home at 5 o'clock 

A. Will your father get home at 5 o'clock?

B. Will my father leave home at 5 o'clock?

C. Will my father get here at 5 o'clock

D. Will my mother get home at 5 o'clock?

Detailed Solution

The correct answer is B because "My father will GET home at 5 o'çlock" answers the question "Will my father leave home at 5 o'clock?'

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.



A. eve

B. busy

C. tip

D. shaded

Detailed Solution

eve: [ iːv ] 


A. copy

B. not

C. bore

D. rock

Detailed Solution

bore - [ bɔː(r) ]


A. Firm

B. hear

C. many

D. plate

Detailed Solution

firm - [ fɜːm ]