Year : 
Title : 
Mathematics (Core)
Exam : 

Paper 1 | Objectives

31 - 40 of 62 Questions

# Question Ans

A man stands on a tree 150cm high and sees a boat at an angle of depression of 74°. Find the distance of the boat from the base of the tree.

A. 52cm

B. 43cm

C. 40cm

D. 15cm

Detailed Solution

Tan 74 = 150/x
x = 150/tan 74
= 43.01cm
There is an explanation video available below.

Integrate the expression 6x\(^2\) - 2x + 1

A. 3x\(^3\) - 2x\(^2\) + x + c

B. 2x\(^3\) - x\(^2\) + x + c

C. 2x\(^3\) – 3x\(^2\) + c

D. x\(^3\) + x\(^2\) – x + c

Detailed Solution

There is an explanation video available below.

In how many ways can the letters LEADER be arranged?

A. 72

B. 144

C. 360

D. 720

Detailed Solution

The word LEADER has 1L 2E 1A 1D and 1R making total of 6! \(\frac{6}{1!2!1!1!1!}\) = \(\frac{6!}{2!}\)
= \(\frac{6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1}{2 \times 1}\)
= 360
There is an explanation video available below.

In the figure below, /MX/ = 8cm, /XN/ = 12cm, /NZ/ = 4cm and ∠ XMN = ∠ XZY. Calculate /YM/

A. 32cm

B. 24 cm

C. 16 cm

D. 12 cm

Detailed Solution

From the figure,
∠ XMN = ∠ XZY
Angle X is common
So, ∠ XNM = ∠ XYZ
Then from the angle relationship
\(\frac{XM}{XZ}\) = \(\frac{XN}{XY}\) = \(\frac{MN}{ZY}\)
XM = 8, XZ = 12 + 4 = 16,
XN = 12, XY = 8 + YM
\(\frac{8}{16}\) = \(\frac{12}{(8 + YM) }\)
Cross multiply
8(8 + YM) = 192
64 + 8YM = 192
8YM = 128
YM = \(\frac{128}{8}\)
= 16cm
There is an explanation video available below.

Express 495g as a percentage of 16.5kg

A. 3%

B. 3 \(\frac{1}{3}\)%

C. 15%

D. 30%

Detailed Solution

The two numbers must be expressed in the same unit. To convert 495g to kg, it will be divided by 1000
495g = \(\frac{495}{1000}\)
= 0.495kg
To express in percentage, 0.495 will be divided by 16.5 and then multiplied by 100
% will be added to the answer \(\frac{0.4950}{16.5}\) x 100
= 3%
There is an explanation video available below.

Evaluate (2√3 - 4) (2√3 + 4)

A. -4

B. -2

C. 2

D. 4

Detailed Solution

2√3 - 4) ( 2√3 + 4)
= 12 + 8√3 - 8√3 – 16
= 12 – 16
= -4
The two expressions in the bracket are conjugate of each other
There is an explanation video available below.

Find the equation of the tangent at the point (2, 0) to the curve y = x\(^2\) - 2x

A. y = 2x - 4

B. y = 2x + 4

C. y = 2x - 2

D. y = 2x + 2

Detailed Solution

The gradient to the curve is found by differentiating the curve equation with respect to x
So \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) 2x - 2
The gradient of the curve is the same with that of the tangent.
At point (2, 0) \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) = 2(2) - 2
= 4 – 2 = 2
The equation of the tangent is given by (y - y1) \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) (x – x1)
At point (x1, y1) = (2, 0)
y - 0 = 2(x - 2)
y = 2x - 4
There is an explanation video available below.

This questions
What is the minimum value of the graph?

A. -5.3

B. 0.5

C. 3

D. 8

Detailed Solution

The minimum value is the lowest value of the curve on y axis which gives a value of -5.3
There is an explanation video available below.

Evaluate log\(_2\) 8 – log\(_3\) \(\frac{1}{9}\)

A. -1 1\(\frac{1}{2}\)

B. -1

C. 1

D. 5

Detailed Solution

log\(_2\) 8 – log\(_3\) \(\frac{1}{9}\)
= log \(_2\) 2\(^3\) – log\(_3\) 9\(^{-1}\)
= log\(_2\) 2\(^3\) – log\(_3\) 3\(^{-2}\)
Based on law of logarithm
= 3 log\(_2\) 2 – (-2 log\(_3\) 3)
But log\(_2\) 2 = 1,
log\(_3\) 3 = 1
So, = 3 + 2
= 5
There is an explanation video available below.

Tanθ is positive and Sinθ is negative. In which quadrant does θ lies

A. Second only

B. Third only

C. Fourth only

D. First and third only

Detailed Solution

First quadrant: Sin, Cos and Tan are all positive
Second quadrant: Sin is positive, Cos is negative and Tan is negative
Third quadrant: Tan is positive, Sin is negative and Cos is negative
Fourth quadrant: Cos is positive, Sin is negative and Tan is negative
The correct option is the third quadrant only where Tanθ is positive and Sinθ is negative
There is an explanation video available below.

A man stands on a tree 150cm high and sees a boat at an angle of depression of 74°. Find the distance of the boat from the base of the tree.

A. 52cm

B. 43cm

C. 40cm

D. 15cm

Detailed Solution

Tan 74 = 150/x
x = 150/tan 74
= 43.01cm
There is an explanation video available below.

Integrate the expression 6x\(^2\) - 2x + 1

A. 3x\(^3\) - 2x\(^2\) + x + c

B. 2x\(^3\) - x\(^2\) + x + c

C. 2x\(^3\) – 3x\(^2\) + c

D. x\(^3\) + x\(^2\) – x + c

Detailed Solution

There is an explanation video available below.

In how many ways can the letters LEADER be arranged?

A. 72

B. 144

C. 360

D. 720

Detailed Solution

The word LEADER has 1L 2E 1A 1D and 1R making total of 6! \(\frac{6}{1!2!1!1!1!}\) = \(\frac{6!}{2!}\)
= \(\frac{6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1}{2 \times 1}\)
= 360
There is an explanation video available below.

In the figure below, /MX/ = 8cm, /XN/ = 12cm, /NZ/ = 4cm and ∠ XMN = ∠ XZY. Calculate /YM/

A. 32cm

B. 24 cm

C. 16 cm

D. 12 cm

Detailed Solution

From the figure,
∠ XMN = ∠ XZY
Angle X is common
So, ∠ XNM = ∠ XYZ
Then from the angle relationship
\(\frac{XM}{XZ}\) = \(\frac{XN}{XY}\) = \(\frac{MN}{ZY}\)
XM = 8, XZ = 12 + 4 = 16,
XN = 12, XY = 8 + YM
\(\frac{8}{16}\) = \(\frac{12}{(8 + YM) }\)
Cross multiply
8(8 + YM) = 192
64 + 8YM = 192
8YM = 128
YM = \(\frac{128}{8}\)
= 16cm
There is an explanation video available below.

Express 495g as a percentage of 16.5kg

A. 3%

B. 3 \(\frac{1}{3}\)%

C. 15%

D. 30%

Detailed Solution

The two numbers must be expressed in the same unit. To convert 495g to kg, it will be divided by 1000
495g = \(\frac{495}{1000}\)
= 0.495kg
To express in percentage, 0.495 will be divided by 16.5 and then multiplied by 100
% will be added to the answer \(\frac{0.4950}{16.5}\) x 100
= 3%
There is an explanation video available below.

Evaluate (2√3 - 4) (2√3 + 4)

A. -4

B. -2

C. 2

D. 4

Detailed Solution

2√3 - 4) ( 2√3 + 4)
= 12 + 8√3 - 8√3 – 16
= 12 – 16
= -4
The two expressions in the bracket are conjugate of each other
There is an explanation video available below.

Find the equation of the tangent at the point (2, 0) to the curve y = x\(^2\) - 2x

A. y = 2x - 4

B. y = 2x + 4

C. y = 2x - 2

D. y = 2x + 2

Detailed Solution

The gradient to the curve is found by differentiating the curve equation with respect to x
So \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) 2x - 2
The gradient of the curve is the same with that of the tangent.
At point (2, 0) \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) = 2(2) - 2
= 4 – 2 = 2
The equation of the tangent is given by (y - y1) \(\frac{dy}{dx}\) (x – x1)
At point (x1, y1) = (2, 0)
y - 0 = 2(x - 2)
y = 2x - 4
There is an explanation video available below.

This questions
What is the minimum value of the graph?

A. -5.3

B. 0.5

C. 3

D. 8

Detailed Solution

The minimum value is the lowest value of the curve on y axis which gives a value of -5.3
There is an explanation video available below.

Evaluate log\(_2\) 8 – log\(_3\) \(\frac{1}{9}\)

A. -1 1\(\frac{1}{2}\)

B. -1

C. 1

D. 5

Detailed Solution

log\(_2\) 8 – log\(_3\) \(\frac{1}{9}\)
= log \(_2\) 2\(^3\) – log\(_3\) 9\(^{-1}\)
= log\(_2\) 2\(^3\) – log\(_3\) 3\(^{-2}\)
Based on law of logarithm
= 3 log\(_2\) 2 – (-2 log\(_3\) 3)
But log\(_2\) 2 = 1,
log\(_3\) 3 = 1
So, = 3 + 2
= 5
There is an explanation video available below.

Tanθ is positive and Sinθ is negative. In which quadrant does θ lies

A. Second only

B. Third only

C. Fourth only

D. First and third only

Detailed Solution

First quadrant: Sin, Cos and Tan are all positive
Second quadrant: Sin is positive, Cos is negative and Tan is negative
Third quadrant: Tan is positive, Sin is negative and Cos is negative
Fourth quadrant: Cos is positive, Sin is negative and Tan is negative
The correct option is the third quadrant only where Tanθ is positive and Sinθ is negative
There is an explanation video available below.